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2022年07月19日 10:23:3950

三角龍是白堊紀后期(67-65 mya, mya=百萬年前)數(shù)量眾多且十分著名的草食恐龍,體型強而有力,約九米長,四米高,五至六噸重,它和暴龍在同一時期,生存于現(xiàn)今的北美大陸,當遭遇暴龍,三角龍就以自己強壯結實的體格與尖銳的三角來進行決斗




Triceratops are herbivorous animal, because their heads low, they may be mainly take low height vegetation for food, but they may also use their head, beak and body to hit higher vegetation for food. The jaw at the front of the Triceratops has beak long, narrow, are considered more suitable for grasping, pulling, and non occlusion. Triceratops teeth arranged in tooth system, and each column from 36 to 40 teeth group formed, the jaw on both sides have 3 to 5 rows of teeth group, number of teeth teeth group in accordance with animal size change. Triceratops has a total of 432 to 800 teeth, of which only a small part is used, and the Triceratops teeth are constantly growing and replace. These teeth with vertical or near vertical direction to cut food. The many teeth Triceratops, display them in bulky fiber plants for food, which may contain palm and cycad, and other personnel that contains ferns on the grassland.
三角龍是草食性動物,因為它們的頭部低矮,所以它們可能主要以低高度植被為食,但它們也可能使用頭角、喙狀嘴、以身體來撞倒較高的植被來食用。三角龍的顎部前端具有長、狹窄的喙狀嘴,被認為較適合抓取、拉扯,而非咬合。三角龍的牙齒排列成齒系每列由36到40個牙齒群所構成,上下顎兩側各有3到5列牙齒群,牙齒群的牙齒數(shù)量依照動物體型而改變。三角龍總共擁有432到 800顆牙齒,其中只有少部分正在使用,而三角龍的牙齒是不斷地生長并取代。這些牙齒以垂直或接近垂直的方向來切割食物。三角龍的眾多牙齒,顯示它們以體積大的有纖維植物為食,其中可能包含棕櫚科與蘇鐵,而其他人員則認為包含草原上的蕨類。
